Dental implants are an excellent option if you are missing teeth or have damaged teeth that are affecting how you chew and speak. They can also help restore self-confidence for those who are self conscious about their missing or damaged teeth. However, if you’ve received dental implants in Waterloo, then you’ll want to take care of them in the same way that you would take care of your other teeth – even if your dental implants can’t get cavities.
Caring for Your Dental Implants
If you don’t take care of your dental implants, then bacteria will collect near the gum and cause all kinds of problems. The first sign that you’re having issues with your dental implants because of improper cleaning is bleeding. When your gums begin to bleed around your dental implant, it’s known as mucositis. Although this can be treated if caught early, it can lead to bone loss if it isn’t. This is known as peri-impantitis, which cannot be treated. Once this occurs, you may have to have the implant removed. To prevent this from happening, you should follow these tips in order to maintain your dental implants:
Brush your dental implants – Brush them in the same way that you would your teeth. You should use a soft bristled toothbrush or electric brush. Avoid brushing too hard – take your time brushing slowly and gently. You should spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth.
- Use low-abrasive toothpaste – Use a tartar-control toothpaste that’s low-abrasive so that you don’t damage the implant.
- Keep flossing – Flossing is important whether you have dental implants or not. Make sure that you use dental floss to clean around the implants. There is a special technique that our office can go over with you on how to floss around an implant tooth.
- Use a mouth rinse – To ensure that all food particles and bacteria are washed out from around the implant, rinse using an antimicrobial mouth rinse.
- Use a water pik – a water pik is an excellent mechanical adjunct to your home care whereby the teeth/crowns/implants can get a “shower” when used properly thereby reducing the overall bacterial population in the crevices that your floss and brush cannot reach.
- Consider disclosing tablets – By using disclosing tablets, you’ll stain the areas where plaque has accumulated, thereby making it easier to see where you need to clean.
These are the tips that you should follow in order to care for your dental implants. However, remember that there are special steps that you will need to take immediately following the surgery when caring for your implants. If you get dental implants at our family dentistry in Waterloo, we will be sure to inform what these steps are. For more information about receiving dental implants in Waterloo, contact us at Waterloo Smiles today.