In recognition of these two big events in February, The Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day, we have some interesting questions that were asked in a resent survey about our male and female partners.
- A recent survey asked married couples to describe their spouse in one word. What word topped the list? Stubborn
- According to a medical report, women do this almost twice as much as men. What is it? Blink
- 3. 9% of women took this from a partner and didn’t give it back when they broke up. What is it? Sweatshirt
- 4. 8 out of 10 men in a recent survey said this was their favourite toy as a child. What was it? A squirt gun.
- According to a recent survey, men are now outnumbering women when it comes to doing this. What is it? Online shopping
- 20% of people fail to do this on a monthly basis. What is it? Change their bed sheets
- According to a recent study, if you do this in 2013 you’ll likely gain about 10 pounds. What is it? Go on vacation
- The average woman spends 81 minutes a day doing this. What is it? Surfing Facebook
- 10% of men bought a holiday gift for their partner from here. Where is it? Gas station
- We had to throw this one in for obvious reasons: 32% of dog owners say they buy their dog this item that is meant for people. What is it? Toothpaste