When to Visit Your Waterloo Family Dentist

Most people tend to avoid going to the dentist whenever possible; however, visiting the family dentist in Waterloo is the quickest way to solve any issues you might be having with your teeth — and it’s a good way to prevent whatever issues you have from growing worse, thereby causing more pain and discomfort. Not to mention that any problems you might be having will only grow worse and potentially more expensive to fix. With that in mind, the following are a few signs that indicate it’s time to visit your family dentist in Waterloo:

When is it the right time to visit your family Dentist in Waterloo

Few people visit their family dentist in Waterloo unless they absolutely have to, which means that many people will even ignore issues that they shouldn’t ignore. The following are a few signs that you should see a family dentist in Waterloo as soon as possible:

We’re a Family Dentistry in Waterloo

At Waterloo Smiles, we are proud to be a family dentist in Waterloo with a reputation for not just providing high-quality dental services, but for serving our patients with a smile. So what does it mean to be a “family” dentist? To us, it means a whole lot:

Family Dentist in Waterloo Recommends Curaprox Brushes

Are you still relying on standard toothbrushes alone to keep your teeth clean? If so, you might be interested to learn more about the Curaprox interdental brushes. Dentists and orthodontist across the country, including your local family dentist in Waterloo, are now recommending that their clients add the use of Curaprox brushes to their oral hygiene routine. Here’s why

Breathe Easy This Flu Season With Surgically Clean Air

Air quality is extremely important in a dental office. After all, any time you visit us, be it for a routine checkup or a major procedure, you’ll end up sitting in that chair with your mouth open for a long period of time. While this position makes it much easier to get at your teeth, it can also leaves you pretty exposed to airborne toxins, molds, and germs that could cause illness or infection.

Power Brushing vs. Manual Brushing

Electric toothbrushes are everywhere, even at your dentist, so are they good for you? Many people are wondering about the benefits of power brushing vs. manual brushing. Some are sceptical of the small head and bristles while others say they are sensitive to the motion.

Considerable research has gone into the design of bristles and powerhead of electric toothbrushes for easier and more effective cleaning of teeth and gums. As a result, they have demonstrated far-reaching benefits in the removal of plaque and prevention of cavities and gum disease over the years. In fact, the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association highlights the Cochrane review which found that the electric powered toothbrush removed plaque (7%) and gingivitis (17%) more than a manual toothbrush. If you are looking to make the switch, here are some important points to guide your decision.

The Ultimate Flossing Guide

Here it is—the ultimate flossing guide! While everyone is aware of how important it is to floss their teeth daily, few know the right way to do it. Waterloo Smiles has created a step-by-step guide so that you do it properly. The correct technique is vital to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Tips for Oral Hygiene over the Holidays

It can be difficult to maintain your regular routines over the holidays. Parties, travelling out of town to visit family and a less structured schedule can make it challenging to care for your teeth the way you normally would. When you add holiday dinners, drinks and sweets to the mix, your teeth may suffer more than usual. Here are a few simple tips to keep up good oral hygiene this holiday season.

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